For over a decade, the Goldman Sachs 10000 Small Business program has provided thousands of entrepreneurs with the education, tools, and support they need to grow their businesses. Earlier this year, I had the opportunity to participate in this impactful program where I learned not only how to grow Immersive Strategies, but how to become a better leader.

Here are my three biggest takeaways from the Goldman Sachs 10000 Small Business program:
1. Allow room for
One of the largest takeaways I learned from 10000 Small Business was the importance of scaling your business. When I founded Immersive Strategies three years ago, it was hard to imagine how quickly we would grow. As our client list has increased, our firm has had to grow as well to accommodate the needs of our diverse clientele.
Through the program, we worked to set goals for growth and find areas where this growth would be possible. Here, I received guidance as I created a plan for Immersive Strategies’ future and learned what steps I should take to elevate my business. Since the completion of this program, Immersive Strategies has gained four new employees, thanks to the lessons I learned.
2. Connection are key
As a firm that works across industries, I know how important it can be to make connections with people in various fields. Throughout my time in the 10000 Small Business Program, I had the opportunity to meet and learn from my instructors and fellow small business owners.
What makes this program such a unique experience is that regardless of industry, we all had the same goal: grow our businesses. I was grateful to have met so many like-minded entrepreneurs who were all excited to watch each other succeed. To this day, I keep in touch with many members of my cohort. We still trade tips and tricks, and even use one another’s services.
As a strategic engagement firm, these connections are particularly important for not only myself as a business owner, but for my clients, too. The connections I made during the program make room for future partnerships and give me opportunities to offer our clients a wider array of services in the future.
3. Make time fore yourself
Every small business owner wants to see their business succeed. That’s why it’s no surprise that entrepreneurs focus so often on what is best for the company, that it becomes easy to forget what’s best for yourself.
But how can I expect to be a good and productive leader if I’m overworked and stressed?
For a program that was focused on growing your small business, I was pleasantly surprised by how much focus was given to taking better care of myself. We were asked to look introspectively and consider what I can do every day to ensure my mental health is taken care of and find time to relax. Through this program, I was able to realize that the best thing I can do for my businesses is to take time for myself.
I could not be more grateful for the opportunity to participate in the Goldman Sachs 10000 Small Businesses program. It has helped me gain the skills I need to grow, while learning about myself as a leader and an entrepreneur. This self-awareness and knowledge will not only help myself, but Immersive Strategies and our clients as well.